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Murano Glass Freeform Bowl

Murano Glass Freeform Bowl

Regular price $0.00 USD
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This bowl is crafted from Murano glass, known for its distinctive artistry and vibrant coloration. The piece features an organic, freeform shape with undulating edges, demonstrating the glassmaker’s expertise in hand-shaped techniques. The surface is infused with multicolored inclusions, incorporating shades of blue, green, and amber within a translucent, bubbled texture.

The form of the bowl is irregular, with four curved extensions creating a floral-like silhouette. The interior displays a controlled bubble effect, adding depth to the swirling colors embedded within the glass. The edges are smoothly rounded, with a slight blue tint that subtly contrasts the central design.

Murano glassmakers employ centuries-old methods of glassblowing, utilizing techniques such as sommerso and aventurine to create layered and textured effects. This piece reflects the Venetian tradition of decorative glassmaking, where vibrant pigments and organic forms are hallmarks of the island’s renowned workshops.

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